by Cedric H. Fisher
Did all the significant Christians in the past 2000 years get it wrong? Were they all ignorant of the true path to God? Did the Apostle Paul (who wrote over two thirds of the New Testament) get it wrong? Has God revealed His true Gospel to only individuals in this generation? Are pagans, Muslims, and all other religions right while biblical Christianity is wrong? If you answered “no” to these questions then you are probably not associated with the Emergent Church and its Contemplative Spirituality. You have probably realized that sudden radical departures from historical (biblical) Christianity in the last days is not of God. If you are sober, vigilant, and otherwise alert, you are very cautious of new revelations, and especially of individuals that are cavalier and even contemptuous about time-honored biblical truth. Count it a blessing that you no longer fit in and appear to be associated with a shrinking minority.
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