Once a week, I host a radio show in the Greater Toronto Area that gives me the opportunity to interview many fascinating guests, and pick their brains and experiences for insight on different areas of the historical and ongoing fight for human rights. Last week, I chatted with Dr. Monica Miller, author of the recent book Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars. As she was relating some anecdotes from the early days of the pro-life movement, she said something that caught my attention: Pro-life activism, she said, is our response to the endangered pre-born child’s right to our defence.
The concept is a powerful one. Pro-lifers generally talk about the pre-born child’s right to life, and extrapolate our corresponding responsibility from the fact that their right to life is being denied, and brutally so, in slaughterhouses claiming to be “clinics” across North America. The pre-born child is a human, and thus entitled to human rights, we say. Thus, we must stand up and seek their protection.
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