Holding hands with the Pope – The Current Evangelical Ecumenical Craze





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by Ernest D. Pickering

Have Bible-believers been in error for centuries in refusing to recognize the Roman Catholic Church as a part of the true Church of Christ? Did the martyrs of old die in vain as they protested the false teachings of the "mother of harlots", and were burned at the stake for their efforts?

by Ernest D. Pickering

On May 28, 2003, the eve of Ascension Day, 200,000 Catholics and Protestants traveled to the German capital for the first-ever Ecumenical Kirchentag (literally, Church Day) jointly organized by both denominations. [Kirchentag Below]

But what gets really confusing is that.. On the one hand the Vatican has made a concerted effort since 1965 to bring their “separated brothers back home to “holy mother the church.” On the other hand the Catholic church fraternizes .. joins in prayer with … and actively endorses other religions.. Pope John Paul II’s bizarre involvement with and approval of other anti-Christian religions has caused even many Catholics to call Pope John Paul II the Anti Pope…. However many Protestants see this as a much more sinister sign. [The Two Faces of Catholicism]

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